At last - it begins.

As a part of group project with my friend we are going to create blogs that would contain our findings and summaries of development we’ve made.
Our mission is to gather knowledge we gain in one place for our and others further use. You may expect blog posts about small libraries we wrote, frameworks we’ve created, games we’ve made or tools we’ve used. For example I know in fact that I may post about beginner point of view about AutoCAD - I’m currently using it to design my laptop stand to print it with 3d printer. And I can already tell that there are many gimmicks that not everyone would know at the beginning.
Our goal is to put together all those tools (probably only part of them, I don’t see how directly a laptop stand would affect our ability in reaching the goal) and create a game. Many people have dreams of developing one, many fail. We were considering making this game for years, with no success. Thus we’ve came up with an idea - let’s start making small things, small frameworks and libs that get us closer to this goal. Making smaller things is easier as we can see the results immediately. Jam games ain’t enough to satisfy our desires.
So if you are interested in watching this path unravel, please subscribe and engage with us. It may be quite interesting.